Archive for July, 2006

It’s not your Mother’s internet,

Posted in From My Brain on July 31, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

Or maybe it is…

Check this out…
Not that I qualify, 🙂 but it’s an information/blogging community for people over the age of 50 (geared much like my-space) to interact.

As technology/travel/communication advances,  world is getting smaller. Or perphaps we are just more aware of what is happening around us because of better developed communication tools.  It seems our parent’s generation is nothing like the generation before them.

Once upon a time, the generation preceeding our own, was supposed to quietly pull out a rocking chair and quietly ease into retirement… Instead of handing the reins of the world over to the next generation and shuffeling gently off to a retirement village, we are being preceeded by a generation who refuses to quietly move aside. These pioneers of a new older generation are showing us how to live life to the fullest, how to connect or reconnect and how to make every moment count, and not like it’s the last moment, but how to embrace life like it’s the first moment!

What an amazing time to watch and learn how to live life… it kind of makes me want to get off of the sofa and do something productive!

Catching up!

Posted in From My Brain on July 29, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

First off… I’m a little disappointed. No one took the hint in #8 (below) and said I was either hot or smart. 😉 (Yeah, shameless, I know.)

So it’s been a crazy weekend. I’ve spent 70% of my time terrorizing the new son-in-law, working, and completing an order. I haven’t even turned on the computer in a day. Of course the other 30% of my time was spent just being evil.

And later tonight, after a long, hot shower, I’ll be catching up with you!

(raise your hand if you only clicked on the “shower” link…)

10 things men should know…

Posted in From My Brain on July 27, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

1. Women remember everything . Don’t believe me? Ask your girlfriend where you met. She won’t tell you it was at a party. She’ll say it was a Thursday, she had just come from dinner, where she ate a veggie burger, and she was wearing her friend Cathy’s pink top, which was big on her because Cathy is a big girl. You were wearing a blue button-down, drinking a Jack and Coke with two straws, and talking to Bill, that mutual friend. She waved and you gave her the “what’s up” nod. This still infuriates her. (“How could you give me the nod?”)

2. You would go crazy too, if every 28 days your insides fell out.

3. You may be surprised to know that women were responsible for inventing all of the following: the circular saw, the signal flare, the space suit, the bulletproof vest, and the windshield wiper. You’re welcome.

4. You say: “I’m intense.” We hear: “I’m a psycho.”

5. When the car won’t start and you do nothing but open the hood, there’s a 40 percent chance it will start on the second try. Men will always act like they fixed it. We know and accept this.

6. Men are free to think they’re the boss, as long as they know we’re the chairman of the board.

7. When you order before us, the waiter secretively throws us a disgusted glance urging us to break up with you.

8. Hot girls want you to call them smart. Smart girls want you to call them hot.

9. When we have an orgasm, our breasts release a chemical that makes men fall asleep. It’s true. I read it in an erotic handbook.

10. Because we don’t have a prostate gland, that’s why. If you don’t know the question or understand the answer, look it up. Nope, I didn’t write these… I compiled them, so feel free to add more!


Posted in From My Brain on July 26, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

Everyone gets it, every day…


I’m certain that the spam items I get in my mail box is near the same as you get in yours… Here are a few of my favorite Subject lines from recent e-mails (in no particular order):

* Passed over again for that promotion, no college degree?

* You can save up to 70% ov Cia1is SOftTab$

* Want to buy almost free software?

* Better future, wine vinigar

* People judge your di*k size by your shoes?

* Let football earn you a residiual income

* Shame of sex? We can change it!

* Better life, well colored

* The bigger size, the bigger prize, get what you need

* Why be an average guy any longer

* Oh you do it very fast

* Do you want to experience rock hard erections

* A business proposition for you

I stole this.

Posted in From My Brain, Quizes and Tags on July 24, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

I took it from Joe when he wasn’t looking… yeah, stealing it just adds to my evilness.

You Are 30% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

How Evil Are You?


Posted in From My Brain on July 22, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

I finally got it figured out!!! A friendly format *AND* the picture problem!

Ignore me… I’m playing with pictures.

Posted in From My Brain on July 22, 2006 by TodaysAddiction


*Click Here* for pictures… go ahead click!

Posted in From My Brain, From My Camera, From My Travel's on July 21, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

Ok… so I’m not just messing with my template to mess with you… I’m trying to figure a few things out. I think I got the pictures from the coast to work… but I’m not sure.








Well… I’m getting it on two out of three computers… I think I’m done messing around with my format for a while 🙂

These are the things that heal the soul…

Posted in Addiction/Mental Health, From My Brain, From My Camera, From My Travel's on July 18, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

The Oregon coastline is beautiful… Not in a sunny south California kind of way, but in the beauty that is found in the rough and rugged, raw and windy kind of way. The northern Pacific ocean’s beauty hides her danger. She will lure you in and take you away without giving it a second thought.

Fresh salt air, a brisk wind and the feeling of being but a small part of a huge universe are all balms that can heal almost anything.

These are a few of the things I found: (let’s see if the pictures are working now, let me know!)

And now I’m off to catch up with you!


Posted in From My Brain on July 15, 2006 by TodaysAddiction

If you:

Need money, need someone to work for you, need to yell at someone because your life frustrates you, need an ear, need some help, need advise, need to see me, need a loan, need to vent, need a dog to kick, need to borrow something, need someone stronger to lean on, need errands run, need phone calls made or returned, need a babysitter, have an emergency that really isn’t, need to have something done for you that you could do yourself if you had to but you just don’t want to…

I am tendering my resignation.

Not the blog (of course)  just life, just today, or for a while…